Staying Positive during a COVID challenge
Jayashree and Kapila
Just sharing with you all - given the spread of COVID around - our centre has been offering online help for those who have tested positive and helping their recovery.
Many families have taken our help in the initial stages itself and recovered fully. Usually the stress and shock of having COVID has been the hardest. This can be handled effectively with emotional healing. Home care is very much an option in many cases except serious ones.
I’m sharing this given the rampant shortage of hospital beds. We need to know that home care can help in many cases except very severe ones.
Our online care has provided
1) Breathing techniques for keeping oxygen levels high. We have helped with guided sessions online as well as self practice suggestions.
2) Releasing of anxiety and stress. Most panic due to having got COVID. We offer counselling and healing for this.
3)Fire meditations and chanting have helped stop any spread, heal the body.
4)Affirmations to help stay positive and bring in faith which greatly helps in recovery.
5) Meditations for energising. Visualisations of healing and safety.
6) Kashayams recipes to help the body.
7) Relaxation meditations to help with sleep.
So far we have helped around two dozen Covid patients online itself.
We all need to stay safe and know that possibilities exist outside of already stretched hospitals. Staying healthy and preventive health care can go a long way. Hospitals are very much needed for serious cases but much can be done at home itself.
We all have our inner doctor - our breath, the power of our mind and the choice of staying positive through challenging times.
We are grateful to divine blessings due to which this is possible.
Love and Light
Jayashree and Kapila