Shamsundar S D

Fundraising - A journey to Abundance consciousness
Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement. Aldous Huxley
We are all dealing with change, the current situation is also embedded with opportunities for a spurt in collective and individual consciousness. At The Healing Circle, we have embarked on the next phase of growth. One that promises to help us uncover and evolve in our journey to abundance and prosperity.
Our new campus at Kallukunte provides us a platform to imbibe, integrate and manifest a Conscious Community. A range of initiatives from Education, Healthcare, Afforestation, Waste Mgt, Water Conservation, Organic farming, Renewable energy, Skill development have taken shape. Resources in the form of knowledge, finance, technology and manpower are the needs of the hour.
Come join us in this movement towards building a conscious community. Support us by volunteering your time, donating towards causes and initiatives of the Trust.
For more information and making a contribution, please click here - https://www.thehealingcircle.in/projects