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A Circle of Healing
Self, Family, Community and Mother Earth

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The Founders

The Healing Circle Trust (non-profit) was founded and registered in the year 2010 by Jayashree Ashok and B Ashok. Prior to the inception of The Healing Circle, Jayashree and Ashok working with Microsoft, Seattle USA had founded non profits connected with Education; their primary focus being Holistic Development of children. A strong inner transformation and journey of selfless service led them to founding The Healing Circle and Creative School, a conscious community with a strong spiritual foundation working in the areas of holistic healing and sustainable living, soul based education and sacred parenting.

Jayashree, Ashok, Reshma, Dhivya, Rathy along with the team of teachers of Creative School have worked with a multitude of communities over fifteen years and developed programs like the ‘The Sacred Classroom’, ‘Life & Living’ and ‘The Joy of Teaching Series’. These have been conceptualized and designed mindfully by respecting the learning needs of individuals at various stages of self-growth – being a Learner, Educator, Changemaker, Business Stakeholder or Influencer. 

All of us dream of a better world for our children – one of optimism, hope, joy and peace. through conscious living, spiritual science processes, and sustainable lifestyles, we are able to bring these into our lives, relationships and environment.


Jayashree Ashok

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About Us

The Healing Circle is a conscious community space dedicated to inner freedom and outer productivity through collaborative work that inspires us to transcend personal boundaries and co-create a better world for our children. One of empowerment, peace and harmony, where each of us plays the role scripted perfectly for our journey.


The foundations are created by bringing in Consciousness – of pure love and peace within ourselves, into our families, our communities and our Earth Mother. A oneness in collaboration and yet respecting the unique essence every soul brings.

Areas of Work

The Healing Circle is a registered trust (non-profit) with ongoing work in the following areas

Holistic Health

and Wellness

Holistic Education

of children

Parenting and


Holistic programs for Children from all economic backgrounds

Programs for children and families with special needs

Sustainable Living

Afforestation and

Organic Farming

Rain Water Harvesting

Support Us

The power of collective effort far exceeds the sum of the individual efforts. We look forward to your support in this journey of co-creation, and in sharing the joy of abundance for future generations. Thank you for making a difference to humanity.

Freedom Land

Support a Child

1000 Together

Prajña Vidya

Aarogya Jyothi


Pearls of Wisdom

Self-dedication does not depend on the particular work you do, but on the spirit in which all work, of whatever kind it may be, is done. Any work, done well and carefully as a sacrifice to the Divine, without desire or egoism, with equality of mind and calm tranquillity in good or bad fortune, for the sake of the Divine and not for the sake of any personal gain, reward or result, with the consciousness that it is the Divine Power to which all work belongs, is a means of self-dedication through Karma.

- Sri Aurobindo


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